Commentary - 03/18/2008

Trying Not To Be Cryptic

Yesterday I received an interesting email from a respected site visitor. He said, "I'm still trying to figure out how the crises are engineered, because to me your articles are a little cryptic!" He was refering to these commentaries:

03/16/2008 - Owning The U.S. In Fee Simple
03/14/2008 - Bear Stearns - Why?
03/12/2008 - Scientifically-Created Depressions [And Why!]
I'd like to share my response here because perhaps there are others who think I'm "cryptic." Please understand I'm not offended in the least, but greatly appreciate that someone took the time to email me and let me know that I'm not being clear enough in my writing.

Here's what I wrote back (and more):

Sorry, but I did not intend to be cryptic. I don't know EXACTLY who's doing what to whom. They'd probably kill me if I really knew the answer.

The point is that someone or some group turns on the credit tap and then years later, decides at some point to turn it off. It's really our government's responsibility to keep this from happening, but it's obvious that not enough people in Congress vote in the public's interest. In both 1907 and 2007, journalist reported that happening. They just didn't (or won't) pinpoint who. Doesn't matter.

For example, let's say you controlled the dams of the Colorado River on the U.S. side and you decided to let enough water flow so that Mexican farms could prosper downstream across the border. Supposed you loaned them all the money they wanted to build up their farms and the towns nearby. Let's say you also had agents sell those loans to pension funds, insurance funds and others in Mexico at very attractive rates. Then once you had all the cash you figure you could collect, you started slowly turning off the water supply. Of course, you would make it look like a naturally occurring event. Besides, how could they prove it? They're on the other side of the border.

The farms would start to be less productive. Slowly the farms would be foreclosed because there was no longer any profit left over to pay off the loans. The towns would suffer losses, too. Obviously the pension funds, insurance funds, and others don't want to be in the farming business, so they're happy to sell, to another one of your agents, the properties that they had foreclosed. They wouldn't know anything about you directly. Obviously, since no farming could take place anymore, you would then be indirectly buying the land back for a very small percentage of the original loan. Maybe 2 cents on the dollar. With border patrol and/or military support, there's nothing the Mexicans could really do about it anyway.

Then after you had slowly bought up most of the land (your agent WERE those fund's saviour), you let the water slowly start flowing again. Slowly you start selling the land again via other agents to prospective farmers again, loaning them as much money as they wanted. As they prospered, more land would be sold at higher prices. More loans were made again to rebuild the towns. More loans were then sold to pension funds, insurance funds and others through another agent.

This goes on for a long enough time for most people to forget what had happened before. They laughed at the old-timers that remembered. Almost everyone now thinks, "Oh, it'll never happen again." Then one of your heirs slowly turn the water off again. And the scam gets repeated.

Now all you have to do is imagine this scenario happening to any nation with a privately-owned central bank. Perhaps the only way to win is not to play, or trade, with those agents. Our problem is that all their lies make it really hard to avoid being part of the trap.

I hope this helps. Although Sometimes The Dragon Wins, perhaps with this knowledge, we won't be the ones who lose, simply because we didn't play its game.

Unfortunately, this example may be a little too real. However, everything above is and was meant to be fiction.
Why the Colorado River Doesn't Meet the Sea
Heavily used Colorado River gives last drops to Mexican farm fields
Sharing Colorado River Water: History, Public Policy and the Colorado River Compact

© 2008 by Edward Ulysses Cate
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