Your contribution is certainly appreciated.
2012 ($50 Total for year.)
$ 50.00 - December (From Canada! Thanks!)
2008 ($430 Total for year.)
$ 80.00 - April ($50 & 3-$10 donations)
$350.00 - March (A $200 donation! Wow! Thanks!)

2007 ($50.00 Total for year.)
$ 35.00 - December
$ 15.00 - March

2006 ($50.00 for year.)
$ 50.00 - December
$ 0.00 - July (Site Started)

$530.00 Total for 22 months of work. (To 2008)
NOTE: Contributions are much appreciated,
and are posted when received from Amazon Honor System, usually 2-3 weeks after the donation is made.